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What Equipment Do You Need For Chair Yoga?

The poses and postures practiced in chair yoga are similar to those made in other forms of yoga as well. The only difference is that the yoga student makes those poses while sitting in a chair. So, this type of yoga can definitely benefit those people who cannot easily stand or sit down to perform different yoga poses. You will feel way more comfortable in your chair yoga class if you wear the right clothes.

In this article, we will see what type of equipment schools like Marianne Wells Yoga School recommend for chair yoga.

For Women

When doing chair yoga, you should wear comfortable clothing which will help you make the right poses. Since you will be making lots of different poses, you will need to wear clothes which will move with you and won’t distract you in your yoga class. Girls should usually wear tight fitting yoga clothes which will support their posture, and will provide them with right body coverage.

For women, choosing lose fitting clothes is usually a mistake as they can make you uncomfortable during certain yoga poses, and might even distract you.

For Men

Since men do not have a lot of different types of yoga clothing made specifically for them, they can usually make do with athletic clothes. Men should also wear tight fitting athletic clothing for their chair yoga sessions. Snug fitting t-shirts or tank tops with sweat pants are usually the best type of clothing for chair yoga.

Extra Considerations

While you do not need a yoga mat in chair yoga, there definitely are other things which you might need. Since you might sweat a lot during your chair yoga session, you should bring a towel with you to your yoga class. Similarly, water bottle can also help you rehydrate.

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